Hey There
My name is Annie Hessler. Founder and creator of The Power of Spoken Words: Thinking Before You Speak.
For a long time, I have been working on the philosophy of thinking before you speak. It is a practice that comes with time and consistency. It will not come naturally as words are often fueled by emotions, which can come in an arrange of ways, whether that is happiness, excitement, hatred, anger, or jealousy.
My Mission
By reading through this website, I would like to encourage you, the reader, to be as open-minded as possible. You may believe that this is not a subject in which you need to grow or that you should be concerned with, but I can guarantee that when you finish reading this, you will feel that you have grown, that you have gained something new, as there is always learning to be done, growth to be made.
Remember, don't limit yourself to knowledge; instead, take your time, write some notes, and share them with a friend. I hope you will take something from this piece of my life that I am sharing, a site that I have taken the time to dive into and build based on research, passion, and even some resentment.